Key partners and customers

On an ongoing basis, we purchase materials for production from:

  • PJSC "Yantsevsky granite quarry";
  • LLC "Mokryansky stone quarry No. 3";
  • Smart Granite LLC;
  • LLC "Terminal MK";
  • LLC "TD Ikar";
  • LLC "Prologue TD".

The vast majority of our works and services are ordered by budgetary structures of the city and the region:

  • Department of Infrastructure and Accomplishment of the Zaporozhye City Council;
  • Department of Capital Construction of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration;
  • District administration of the Zaporozhye City Council for Voznesenovsky, Dneprovsky, Zavodsky, Kommunarsky, Aleksandrovsky, Khortitsky, Shevchenkovsky districts;
  • Road Service in the Zaporozhye region; State enterprise "Local roads of the Zaporozhye region".